Thursday, April 14, 2011

CSR for HR - reviewed in German

My German is a little rusty, but I can just about make out the gist of this review of CSR for HR which appeared in the informative German professional journal Human Resources Manager, which is, for those of you who understand a little of the lingo:

die offizielle Publikation vom Bundesverband der Personalmanager (BPM) und vermittelt auf 110 Seiten aktuelle Informationen rund um zentrale Themen des Personalmanagements wie Führungskräfte- und Personalentwicklung, Arbeitsrecht, Employer Branding, Rekrutierung, Mitarbeiterführung und in­ter­natio­nales HR-Management.

Here is the review that appeared in the hard copy of the magazine:

Anyway, what I have managed to understand from this article, is that Personalmanagement ist eine der Schlüsselfunktionen in der Gesellschaftsverantwortung von Unternehmen. which roughly translated means HRM is a key function in CSR. Sure takes longer to say it in German!  I also managed to get that a Weckruf is a wake-up call (as in "HR Managers, Wake up!!! It's time to embed CSR!"). The review finishes with the words: Ein ungewöhnliches Buch – aber dennoch lesenswert. Which I think means... "this is rather an unusual book, but still worth reading".  I wonder if the reviewer meant unusual = highly creative or unusual = totally weird. Being an eternal optimist, I will assume the former ha-ha.  

elaine cohen, CSR consultant, Sustainabilty Reporter, HR Professional, Author of CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices. Contact me via  on Twitter or via my website

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